分卷阅读8 (第2/2页)
女孩急忙道歉。爱玛止住了她“我曾经很难过。但是,现在,上帝安排一位天使来到了我的身边,我感觉好多了。” “天使?谁?”女孩歪着脑袋,不解的望着她。 爱玛笑起来,“那就是你呀,宝贝。” 女孩脸红起来,“嗯,嗯,GRANNY,我也喜欢您,因为……因为,我没有……嗯,我觉得……其实我感觉,是您和苏菲嬷嬷在关心我,我并且,并且,还可以和你谈音乐,您真博学,我觉得在这里很开心。” 爱玛的心思从那时起隐隐约约。 说话间,睡了一夜的女孩起床下楼了,手里拧着她的小皮箱,望望两个老人,笑笑。然后再望望屋子外面,一付告辞的腔调。“昨夜,嗯,谢谢GRANNY,谢谢苏菲嬷嬷。” “乖宝贝儿,来来。”爱玛没有理踩女孩的暗示,上前去拉着女孩的手,牵着,走到钢琴边, “嗯,GRANNY喜欢你弹唱那首,再唱一次好吗?” 女孩坐在凳子上,纤长的手指抚过钢琴黑黑白白的琴键,犹豫着,音乐还是响了起来。 When I find myself in times of trouble Mother Mary es to me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. And in my hour of darkness She is standing right in front of me Speaking words of wisdom, let it be. Let it be, Let it be, Let it be Let it be Whisper words of wisdom, let it be. And when the brokeed people Living in the world agree, There will be an answer, let it be. For though they may be parted there is Still a ce that they will see There will be an answer, let it be. Let it be, let it be. Let it be, Let it be There will be an answer, let it be. And when the night is cloudy, There is still a light that shines on me, Shine on until tomorrow, let it be. I wake up to the sound of music Mother Mary es t