《如果盒宇宙是RTS游戏(英雄联盟那种)》 (第1/4页)
上路: 疯狂科学家 普通攻击“童谣” 语音:Hush little darling don,t say a word, Papa,s gonna buy you a Mockingbird 二技能“喝汤” 语音:there are some very simple ways to make soup 大招“肢解” 语音:I am very very disappointed in you 医生 普通攻击“听诊” 语音:hmm I can,t turn down a face like that 二技能“玩窒息” 语音:I don,t think that brutish police officer really made much of a mark at all 大招“剖心” 语音:pulling your ugly rotten heart out 教授 普通攻击“打响指” 语音:I don,t think you,re taking this class very seriously 二技能“教尺” 语音:getting your ass made red by your favorite professors ruler is the only thing that you will ever achieve 大招“出轨” 语音:there,s no going back 机长 DEBUFF失业——初始血量较低,第一次复活后可获双倍血量,空乘协战可为机长额外加血 普通攻击“语音播报” 语音:please pay attention to the on screen safety instructions 二技能“引狼入室” 语音:ah fuck the risks 大招“甜言蜜语” 语音:my sweet little disaster 演员 DEBUFF年龄限制——第18次死亡时,复活时间增长 普通攻击“剧本拍头” 语音:I care a lot about this play 二技能“意犹未尽” 语音:I,ll expect you to help me finish that another time 大招“拉幕布” 语音:wait is that the curtain 总裁 普通攻击“关门” 语音:that is well and truly stuck 二技能“跪下” 语音:kneel down for me quickly 大招“无套koujiao” 语音:kneeling down with their lips around my cock 求生者/僵尸: 初始求生者: 一技能“隐匿” 语音:I promise you, you are safe here 二技能“子弹有情” 语音:you are my sunshine 大招“形态切换:僵尸”;僵尸:一技能“冲刺”,二技能“狂暴”,无大招,变成僵尸形态后无法回到人类形态 语音:RAWRRR 纹身师: 普通攻击“穿刺” 语音:it