分卷阅读20 (第2/2页)
汀,她反射性地离开“唐璜”,脸上闪过一抹惊疑不定。 “唐璜”不动声色。克莉斯汀压下疑惑,继续表演她的角色: “You have brought me to that moment where words run dry, to that moment where speech disappears into silence, silence…… I have e here, hardly knowing the reason why…… In my mind, I've already imagined our bodies entwining, defenceless and silent - and now I am here with you: no sed thoughts, I've decided, decided……” 少女深深迷恋她的情人,她的心里只有爱情,为了爱情,她渴望献出一切,和情人合二为一。义无反顾,她靠近她的情人,和他拥抱、交缠…… “Past the point of urn - no going baow: our passion-py has now, at st, begun…… Past all thought ht and wrong - one final question: how long should ait, before we're one? When will the blood begin to race, the sleeping bud burst into bloom? When will the fmes, at st, e us?” 再一次的接触,肯定了克莉斯汀的猜测。音乐变得激烈、对抗。“唐璜”捉住想逃开的“少女”的手,他们急促地唱着剧本的台词,但他们的情绪,已经是魅影和克莉斯汀: “Past the point of urn, the final threshold—— the bridge is crossed, so stand and watch it burn…… We've passed the point of urn……” 最后一个“return”短促突兀,克莉斯汀飞快揭开斗篷,露出魅影的脸容——半边脸戴着白色面具,另半边脸英俊如蛊惑人心的撒旦。那双深邃的琥珀色眼睛,看得克莉斯汀忍不住沉迷其中。可惜现实不断提醒着克莉斯汀,她惊慌失措地转过脸,不敢再看。 但那魔魅的声音不放过她,一字一顿唱着他的深情、他的恋慕,他做尽一切只为了和她在一起,挣脱孤独的囚笼: “Sayyou'll share with me one love, one