第六章 来到Luis家 (第2/2页)
lso hmmmm what exactly you are doing?" "Hmm my work is finance analyst, it&039;s pretty boring but make good money tho" "I see, not bad" " Do you get nervous about your new job in a new country?" "Kind of yeh, but I think I can deal with it, I have met most my colleagues before through zoom, they all seemed nice...so things should work out soon" "You are a brave girl, and very smart, I&039;m sure your Aussie team will be very happy to have you here" "Awww, thank you!" 李晗也是真饿了,今天高潮了两三次,需要补充一下体力呢! 两人吃完晚饭后,又各自倒了一杯红酒,仿佛有说不完的话...虽然李晗酒量并不小,但是来这里三个星期还没喝过酒,稍微喝了两杯,脸颊有些发红,看起来十分惹人怜爱。 过了一会,李晗起身收拾餐具,既然人家做了晚饭,自己就来洗碗咯!正在洗着,忽然一双胳膊就环绕着自己的腰身,Luis靠在背后,亲吻着脖颈,” Are you ready for another round~~" “Whaat!" 未完待续...