第二章 约会男1号 (第1/2页)
第二章 约会男1号
Luis是在Tinder上滑到的,金色卷发,身高一米八二,喜欢健身和冲浪,有腹肌照片,看到腹肌照片后李晗就想下身有没有很大,会有多长呢,要是能坐在这个人上面,高潮应该很容易吧?而且看两人距离离得很近,于是立马右滑通过,没想到Luis马上就发出了信息。 “Hi Han, welcome to B city, would love to show you around! Do you want to catch up for a coffee sometime today?” “Hi Luis, thank you! And yes I’m free today, we can meet up somewhere~” “Sounds great, do you know the X plaza? It’s near the beach, we can have lunch there and then head to the beach. I know there is a decent lunch spot.” “Sure, can we meet up at 12pm?” “Yeh! See you later pretty girl” 想到一会或许会去沙滩,李晗便把内衣换成比基尼,外面就穿着吊带和短裤,扎着两个马尾辫,身上涂好防晒,化上很淡的妆,带着一顶亚麻色遮阳帽,便搭车前往去面基啦! 李晗抵达约定的见面地点,发出一条消息: “I’m here, let me know when you get here:)” “Sorry, getting stuck in traffic, will be there in about 5 minutes. Very excited to meet you…” 李晗觉得把这个帅哥睡到手的几率是近乎9