同一支笔(1)【汤姆|梅洛普|母子向】 (第4/4页)
was never between you and death, my darling. I wanted to live…to live, for you. But in that moment…I…I couldn’t use any magic. My strength was gone… My will, shattered. I wanted to stay, to hold you, to kiss you, but I was too weak. I thought…I thought you would be better off without me…just like how every person I know would be better without me.”(不……不,我的宝贝!我的选择从来都不在你和死亡之间,我的宝贝。我是想活下去的……为了你活下去。可是那一刻……我……我无法使用任何魔法。我的力量已经枯竭……我的意志,彻底崩溃。我想留下来,想抱着你,想亲亲你,但我太虚弱了。我以为……我以为没有我,你会过得更好……就像我认识的每一个人,没有我都会更好一样。) 她的声音在颤抖,灰白的手臂再次向前伸去,却再次被汤姆冷冷地躲开。 男孩儿眼神冰冷,泪水早已被熊熊燃烧的愤怒蒸发殆尽,唇边只余一个讥讽的笑。 “You can keep lying to me, mother. You can keep lying to me all you want! But I have gone to Little Hangleton. I’ve talked to Morfin Gaunt. You were not a Squib. You could’ve used magic to save yourself. But no. You had to go and choose death.”(你尽管继续骗我吧,母亲。想怎么骗就怎么骗!但我已经去过小汉格顿了。我和莫芬·冈特谈过了。你不是哑炮!你本可以用魔法救自己。但没有,你偏偏选择了死亡。) 汤姆没再等梅洛普结结巴巴地回答。他抽出魔杖,颤抖的杖尖指向梅洛普。 “You, mother. My only hope. You abandoned me. And you lie to me now. But enough is enough. I shall not be deceived any longer.”( 你啊,mama。我唯一的希望。你抛弃了我。现在你还要对我撒谎。但够了,我不会再被欺骗了。) 他猛地挥动魔杖,低声嘶吼:“Legilimens!” ————————————————————— 未完待续……