分卷阅读25 (第1/2页)
gd when yd If you only knew what I’m going through I just ’t smile without you You came along just like a song And brightened my day Who would believe that you’re of a dream Now it all seems light years away ” 成则昭看得出来,戎冶的眼神几乎是饱含深情的——对此她感到相当不可思议。她虽然知道大约一年前戎冶就同这位目前为止唯一承认的女友开始交往,但尚未见过那个女孩子,也不知道戎冶究竟用情几许——现在看来,珍爱之情可见一斑。 戎冶笑意更浓,深长的酒窝也更明显了,视线微微移动,故意抛了个千娇百媚的眼风。 拍摄者突然将镜头转向了旁边,成则昭先看到自家弟弟,目光深沉一脸若有所思,挨着他还坐着一个女孩子。然后视频里出现了拍摄者调侃的声音:“嫂子,冶哥唱得怎么样啊?” 那个女孩侧脸就长得十分好看,转过脸来更是惊艳——她闻言微微探出身子,朝镜头这边看了一眼,笑了笑,露出了甜甜的梨涡,并未说话,继而看了一眼成则衷,见他丝毫未受影响,没动也没说话,才又将视线投向戎冶。她颈间戴着一条银色的链子,坠子不小,像是圆的,晃了一下折射出微光。 镜头又转回去—— 成则昭眼尖,看到那枚坠子,不由挑眉,心道,戎冶居然连这个都送给她了。 “…… I’m finding it hard to do anything You see I feel sad when you’re sad I feel gd when yd If you only knew what I’m going through I just ’t smile Some people say happiakes So very long to find But I’m finding it hard Leaving your love behind me, so you see I ’t smile without you I ’t smile without you I ’t ugh and I ’t sing I’m finding it hard to do anything You see I feel gd when yd I feel sad when you’re sad If you only knew what I’m going through I just ’t smile without you ……" 戎冶唱完后下面尽是掌声和叫好声,他露出爽