01 (第1/2页)
Chapter 0 旧时代宣言 Times have their inevitability in the repetitive movement of decades. However, this inevitability is for a world in order and change, but when the wind of the butterfly,s wings has accumulated until the last day of the millennium - Storm is coming. The rest of the history is already familiar. "What is, we ,?" The young lady said. "We are acanist, who are born with crazy blood." "In another words, we are the lost generation, Fulia." Whether the new world,s technology is justified in the wrong era may be open to question. But, the patient of The Storm Syndrome who was killed with laughter may be another kind of luck, because we do not know whether the human race of this era has disappeared. Or we just disappeared. Perhaps only we have experienced the storm, the "storm" that washes over the world that only we can see, and only our time is going backwards... Chapter 1 1968!旧伦敦! 塞德尔愣住了。 房子兀的消失了,他闭眼又睁开,已然置身于一个熟悉又陌生的世界。 塞德尔正在一条不算宽阔的街道上,应该是之前那家商店门口的那条,但路更为凹凸,狭窄。原先新铺成的柏油马路消失了,车水马龙也消失了,转而替代为稀稀拉拉的几辆老爷车。 五分钟前,他因为暴雨没带伞而狼狈窜进商店内,透过玻璃陈列窗看见外面的雨,声势浩大的落下又慢慢飞回到云层之上。 商店消失了,店员消失了,街道上的人也消失了。 塞德尔不敢确信这是不是某种神秘术所造成的幻觉,毕竟虽然他不记得他认识什么神秘学家,也自认未暴露过神秘学家的身份,但是,或许是无妄之灾呢。是这样的,他一定只是莫名被牵连进去的…… 不,他并非六年前那个对神秘学一无所知,甚至认为自己是天选之人这样的傻小孩了。几乎没有哪种神秘术能做到这样浩大的声势,他也是幻觉类的神秘学家,更清楚一般的幻觉对神